Bandhu Social Welfare Society (Bandhuis formally registered with Ministry of Social welfare and NGO Affairs Bureau since July 1997. All activities of the organization are in line with the guidance provided by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) and Ministry of Social Welfare (MOSW) of the Government of Bangladesh.

Bandhu implements essential Sexual Heath and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) activities including HIV intervention, legal support, capacity building and policy advocacy with an aim to bring positive changes in the lives of thousands of community members by addressing the social, religious, cultural and legal impediments in terms of their rights and freedom.

– An outreach programme to understand the needs of women in prostitution in Tangail, a renowned brothel town

– A training programme for women who need support and preparation to enter the mainstream workforce

– A home for young girls who were previously fending for themselves

– Nutritious food twice a day in Basha’s daycare centres located at four of Basha’s five Production Centres.

– Daily tutoring and school support for all children of Basha employees (120+ children)

– Counselling, mentoring and psychiatric care as needed

– Training Rohingya refugee women to sew

Bringing together business entities and local NGO,

Zeproject drives impact for diverse gender and companies

via workplace-based awareness and tolerance on gender identity.

We are also deeply concerned by the education and child wellbeing in Bangladesh.

So we are supporting the organisation LEF FOR LIFE
